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This article talks about how we should take more time when searching for information as we are more likely to benefit from it. Studies show that we encounter important information over longer periods by monitoring our environment and taking multiple search sessions. This article goes against modern ways to quickly grab information such as using Google or Siri. It leans more towards traditional methods such as going to the library in order to search for information as we are more likely to take our time. I agree with this article in some ways unless its something specific we are searching for. If the topic being researched is a more broad one then i believe that a slow search could be more useful.

Marian Dörk - Culture Lab
Newcastle University marian.doerk@ncl.ac.uk
Peter Bennett - Bristol Interaction & Graphics University of Bristol peter.bennett@bris.ac.uk
Rosamund Davies - Communications & Creative Arts, University of Greenwich r.davies@greenwich.ac.uk
Reference - Dörk, M., Bennett, P., & Davies, R. (2013). Taking our sweet time to search. … CHI 2013 Workshop on Changing Perspectives of Time …. Retrieved from http://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&btnG=Search&q=intitle:Taking+Our+Sweet+Time+to+Search#1

Read this article - https://blackboard.uwe.ac.uk/bbcswebdav/pid-4461925-dt-content-rid-7875425_2/courses/UFCFT6-30-1_15sep_1/Do%CC%88rk%2C%20Bennett%2C%20Davies%20-%202013%20-%20Taking%20our%20sweet%20time%20to%20search.pdf
Joe Cutlan - Digital Media 2015
Taking Our Sweet Time to Search