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This article talks about overcoming procrastination using the contraption called 'ReMind'. It is a device shaped like a clock which is hung on the wall with tasks assigned to each pinpoint. This article relates to us as we have a lot of distractions during this generation such as TV, video games, the internet and so forth. The notes on the right are what i wrote down whilst reading the article. I believe this contraption could be useful for people who are unable to stick to schedules and leave things to the last minute. It would encourage a person into performing tasks and making them into habits.

Reference - Laschke, M., Hassenzahl, M., & Brechmann, J. (2013). Overcoming Procrastination with ReMind. Proc. DPPI 2013, 77–85. doi:10.1145/2513506.2513515

Read this article - https://blackboard.uwe.ac.uk/bbcswebdav/pid-4494398-dt-content-rid-7935061_2/courses/UFCFT6-30-1_15sep_1/p77-laschke.pdf
Joe Cutlan - Digital Media 2015
Overcoming Procrastination with ReMind