Weekly Reading
Weekly Reading
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I found this article very hard to understand and i didn't quite get what the concept was. However the article talks about interactive design and how the language we use has become blurred, borrowed and stolen because of the intermingling of disciplines. The article seems very scientific however touches on the art side of things. The image on the right are some of the notes i collected whilst reading the article.

Reference - Haque, U. (2007). Distinguishing concepts: Lexicons of interactive art and architecture. Architectural Design, 77(4), 24–31. doi:10.1002/ad.484

Read this article - https://blackboard.uwe.ac.uk/bbcswebdav/pid-4494403-dt-content-rid-7935064_2/courses/UFCFT6-30-1_15sep_1/distinguishing_concepts.pdf
Joe Cutlan - Digital Media 2015
Distinguishing Concepts Lexicons of Interactive Art and Architecture